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Courtesy of ACK, Archive photo by Takuya Matsumi

《ひ か り の う つ わ》


Video Installation

 6-minute loop




Commissioned by Daimaru Matsuzakaya

企画監修 | 山峰潤也
制作 | 株式会社NYAW
制作進行 | 株式会社ロフトワーク


Vessels of Light



Video Installation

 6-minute loop

Five slide projectors project poems and photographs.

On the innermost side of the space, there will be a poem that forms the centerpiece of the work's story, and on the other four sides, 80 slides of photographs will be projected at five-second intervals.

Commissioned by Daimaru Matsuzakaya

Project Director|Yamamine Junya

Production|Nyaw lnc.
Production Management| Loftwork Inc.

スクリプカリウ落合安奈は日本とルーマニアの二つのルーツを持つアーティストとして、絵画、写真、 インスタレーションなどで作品を発表してきました。落合はCOVID-19によって閉ざされていた世界が 再接続されていく時代に、もう一つの母国の文化を吸収して、その土地で生きる術を学ぶためにルーマ ニアへ渡りました。 本作《ひかりのうつわ》は、そこで撮影した写真で構成されています。冬から始まったこの滞在を通し て、ルーマニアの人々と大地と信仰に根付く営み、そして自然との新たな邂逅を重ねていきます。過ぎ ゆく瞬間の手触りを残すため、あえてアナログフィルムを使い、季節をめぐりながら捉えた光景をスラ イドプロジェクションによって映し出します。

As an artist with both Japanese and Romanian roots, Scripcariu-Ochiai Ana has made her mark in genres ranging from painting to photography and installations. In the age seeking to reconnect after the isolation of COVID-19, she ventured to Romania to absorb her other homeland’s culture and acquire skills for living there. This work, Vessels of Light (2023), is a collection of photographs from her sojourn, which started in winter. It follows her efforts to put down roots into Romania’s land, faith, and people, and touches on her encounters with nature. Scripcariu-Ochiai chose analog film to best preserve the ephemerality of these fleeting moments. The scenes, captured throughout the changing seasons, are shown with a slide projector.


パンデミックによる世界的な混乱が落ち着きを見せ始めると同時に、隣国ウクライナでの 戦禍の終わりが見えない2022 年12 月、


365 日で、ここにあったかもしれない人生の30年を取り戻すように 一日 一日を生きるなか、


そこで待 っていたのは、この土地で生きてゆくための術を与えてくれた、たくさんの親の ような人々との出会いや、

日常の中の鮮やかな生と死、そして 「今はわからなくても、 見ていればわかる、行ってみればわかる」という、

情報ではなくて感覚を使って世界に直 に触れるシンプルな生き方だった。

二つの異なる文化の狭間で、 「人間の営みが生き物として様々な形で引き継がれていくこと、




 2023.10.スクリプカリウ落合 安奈


In December 2022, just as the global turmoil of the pandemic had begun to subside, but the course of the war in neighbouring Ukraine still nowhere in sight, the artist began her long yearned journey to Romania.

She lived one day at a time, as if to claim in the 365 days the 30 years of her life that could have been ni this country. With each passing season, the journey, which began ni the capital ni winter, had moved further inward into the Romanian land.

What awaited were the encounters with those whom she now regards as her parents, who taught her the skills to survive on the land, and with the vivid life and death in daily life. "Even if you don't know now, you wil se as you kep looking and make your way," was the simple way of life, bygone ni acontemporary society, one of making direct contact with hte world, using senses rather than information.

Between two cultures, the artist has confronted one question through her time diving deep into the land she stands on: Why si ti that, as animals, humans pass on their livelihoods in various ways and, why si it that we instinctively want ot connect with them, even if that involves suffering and endanger?

 2023.10. Ana Scripcariu-Ochiai

スクリーンショット 2024-03-28 5.38.45.png





















The beginning of my journey

Is the beginning of yours



To my unborn children

And their children

This is a story I would tell, over and over again

A journey through a season which will never come again In my other motherland

For the first time

And perhaps the last



It was the unknown

A faraway motherland

My bloated, transparent organs

Became filled with the warmth of blood

And with color

Not by my birth mother

Or my blood father

But the countless “mothers” and “fathers”

I met along the journey

Archive Movie | Courtesy of Daimaru matsuzakaya, archive movie by Naoki Miyashita
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